Thursday, January 21, 2016

Don't will get bigger

Ignoring the little voice inside? No worries.  It gets louder, or in my case, bigger. The news in November of my breast harboring a fugitive cell grouping (ie: invasive ductal carcinoma) was a bit alarming. Yet oddly enough, this news gave me a sense of resolve. This too shall pass, with some cleaning up inside, that is.  Mind, body and spirit.

So I jumped in, all in, on day 1.  Launching into a bone broth cleanse, I knew my body needed a healthy reset to begin this journey of re-balancing.  A little nudge from the masterful Puja Wentworth was all I needed and off I went on a 14-day bone broth cleanse.  Wahoo:)  It's nothing new, bone broth, Mom-mom knew what she was doing when she handed us a bowlful of broth soup, with those tiny little balls.  From there into a Ketogenic diet (for a good read on the thinking with this one click here).  There are many...and I mean MANY...different opinions on what diet is most helpful when dealing with cancer. But since I was fairly well versed in Paleo cooking since my eldest has wheat, soy and corn allergies, no grain baking and cooking was an easier leap.  So here I am 2.5 months in still doing the KETO and Intermittent fasting.  Good weight is at the top end of ideal for my height (as stated by my most recent visit to an oncologist).  Bad news, no wine.  Sugar is a very distant memory.  But
SWERVE has come to my rescue to fulfill the occasional sweet tooth need, thank goodness.

So this will become my spot to share what I am learning and doing on this personal healing journey.  A place where my friends and family can go to see what I am up to.  Time will tell how often I will blog.

Now off to snag one of those phony chocolate peanut butter cups during my eating window (block of time I am not fasting)
