Friday, October 29, 2010


My first post...
I will have few words in text, but many that know me would likely say that is not my true nature "in living color".  I am the one that never stops talking...or at least I was. My words here won't be so much as "organized" and refined like the many extremely eloquent writers out there across the net. But this blog is just an effort to get them down or out, however you want to look at it.

Geese, this is hard! Getting started that is. Ok, I'm going to get through this first post...

I find myself in my early to mid 40's doing some morfing, so to speak.   I don't feel like I have much to say anymore.  Maybe it is that I'm more sensing about everything and I'm "inside" trying to listen to it all!  I started making a "shift", as Wayne Dyer (love the "human"ness of that man!) says, back when I was 39.  My usual sunny disposition (or maybe state of oblivion?) started to dissipate and didn't come back.  This prompted my "go-out-and-get-um" personality to search for something new.  I guess the little voice inside said "you need a change".  So I listened.  We packed up (my willing dh, thank goodness, and 3 little boys. Then 5, 3, and 18 mos) and headed a bit south.   5 years, a couple of Reiki trainings, several evaluations (for my children, but I'm sure for me they could find a label too), and a big huge 24 inch Mac screen later (LOVE it), here I am!

I did it.  My first post.  Yes, looking back at it, it has a ton of commas, parentheses, and quotations (I haven't even started using my favorite, the ":)" typed smiley face!).  But I guess that is the way I think.  And if I spend the time it would take to "grammarfy" my thoughts for text, I wouldn't have or take the time to blog.  So here it is RAW.  Oh, and yes, there will be what my family used to lovingly call "Amyisms".  You know, words like "grammarfy".  Made up, of course.  But when I can't pull an english word from my mental dictionary to suit me, I make one up!  Serves the purpose...usually...maybe?
